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Community Standards & Conflict Resolution
Academic Honesty Incident Report

Please use this form only to report an incident involving acts of academic dishonesty for undergraduate students. For graduate student issues, please contact Dr. Mary Martin in the Graduate College. For other incidents which occur in an academic setting (i.e. classroom disruption, concerning behavior exhibited by a student), please contact the Office of the Dean of Students.

Before completing this form, please:

  1. Familiarize yourself with policy and procedures associated with academic dishonesty by visiting the Student Guide to University Policies (to review the Academic Honesty Policy and the Sanctions) and the Academic Honesty Referral Guidelines created by Community Standards & Conflict Resolution.
  2. Speak with your department chair or other supervisor for consultation, if necessary.
  3. Contact Community Standards & Conflict Resolution to inquire about the student's academic honesty history. (This may impact the academic penalty you choose.)
  4. Choose the academic penalty.
    • Option A allows the student to re-do the work affected by dishonesty, either with or without a penalty. (If choosing this option, please include specific details in Question #3 below.)
    • Option B results in a lowered or failing grade on the assignment, a lowered or failing grade in the course or withdrawal from the course. (If choosing this option, please include specific details in Question #3 below.)
    • Option C results in a course grade of X, which indicates on the transcript the failure was due to academic dishonesty.

When completing this form, please remember the following:

  1. Complete a separate form for each case. Multiple students involved in the same incident should be included on the same form.
  2. Please be certain the UDID numbers for those involved are correct.
  3. Information you include in the "Description of the incident" text box will be sent to the charged student(s) verbatim. If there is information you wish to share with Community Standards & Conflict Resolution but not the student(s), please include in the "What additional information would you likeCommunity Standards & Conflict Resolution to know?" text box.
  4. Assign the student an Incomplete (“I”) grade until the case is resolved.
  5. If you have any questions, contact Michael Fernbacher in Community Standards & Conflict Resolution at 302-831-2116 (choose option #1) or

Basic Information

Email address must be of a valid format.
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Please choose the term or session in which the violation occurred.
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Alternately, please enter the date you discovered the dishonesty
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Alternately, please enter the time you discovered the dishonesty
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e.g. ENGL 110-011 Seminar in Composition

Involved Parties

A valid UDID number must be included for all those you list as "Charged Students." (Please do not use the student's Canvas ID number.) If UDID numbers are not known for others (witness, participant) you may leave the box blank.

For each charged student, please choose Option (A, B or C) in the "Nature of Involvement" box, based on the academic penalty chosen. The specific penalty will be noted in the next section. For more information about Options, please review the Academic Honesty Referral Guidelines.

Involved party 1

Case Information

This field is required.
This field is required.
This field is required.

Supporting Documentation

Please submit any documentation pertinent to the case. Examples include:

  • A copy of a student's plagiarized paper, with notations of plagiarized passages, reference to the source(s) used and copies of those source(s).
  • Copies of all exams used in a cheating case - both the student's exam who copied as well as the student from whom the copying was done.
  • A picture of a cheat sheet confiscated from the student.
  • Your course syllabus.
  • Any documentation you provided to students regarding academic integrity expectations.
5GB maximum total size.
Attachments require time to upload, so please be patient after submitting this form.
